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Love Dictates * My Poetry Chapbook

Spring 2015

Love Dictates is poetry chapbook that contains 30 poems.  It highlights the main essence of the readings from English 570 (Ethnic Voices Poetry). They are written in one of the identified poetic forms from a book entitled The Shapes of Our Singing and some in free verse.  Works included mimic a number of forms: Tripadi, Than-Bauk, Ya-Du, Chí-Yen-Shih Metre, Chueh-Chu I, Chueh-Chu II, Wu-Yen-Shih Metre, Acrostic, Blues Stanza, Burns Stanza, Echo Verse I, Echo Verse II, and Lai, and from the following cultures: Bengali, Burmese, Chinese, English, Finnish, Hindi, Japanese, Korean, Spanish, and Vietnamese.

Love Dictates * My Poetry Chapbook – Spring 2015: Recent Books


English 570 was an Ethnic Voice poetry class.  We were asked to write a poetry chapbook that consisted of 20 poems.  Fifteen had to be written in selected poetic forms discussed in a book called The Shape of Our Singing.  The book was a comprehensive guide to poetic verse forms and metres from around the world.  The list we were given consisted of poetic forms and metres from the following languages: Bengali, Burmese, Chinese, English, Finnish, Hindi, Japanese, Korean, Spanish, and Vietnamese.  The last five poems had to be free verse.  The poems had to show creativity in the form used and had to promote language and topics appropriate for English 570.  I ended up writing a total of 30 poems, covering all the forms and metres.  It was challenging because I hadn’t heard of several of forms and metres.  In the end, it was a terrific endeavor that I was glad I had to complete.

My favorite poem is “11 Years A Wife.”  It is an acrostic poem named for my hubby, Herman Boone.  My second favorite poem is “Affectionate Language.”  It is a Chueh-Chu II poem, and it shows that love covers a multitude of faults.


Stranger Danger 


Weakened by technology, braver than ought to be

     It will never happen to me, that’s what’s said,

Anonymous connections all around – DANGEROUS!

     Pedophiles, Rapist, the like – Stranger Danger!

Love Dictates * My Poetry Chapbook – Spring 2015: About
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