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The Idle Talk Series: Headliner
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The Idle Talk Series

A Collection of Stories

The Idle Talk Series is a collection of stories written as short stories.  They discuss how negative talk effects people.  It was inspired by Ephesians 4:29… (CEV) Stop all your dirty talk. Say the right thing at the right time and help others by what you say.


Other collections that could come in the series discuss, accusations, scandals, betrayal, and backbiting.  All of these relate to how we speak to each other.  The series focuses on the power of the tongue as James 3:8-9 states… (ERV) But no one can control the tongue. It is wild and evil, full of deadly poison. We use our tongues to praise our Lord and Father, but then we curse people who were created in God’s likeness.

Remember Colossians 4:6 (NCV) When you talk, you should always be kind and pleasant so you will be able to answer everyone in the way you should.

The Idle Talk Series: Projects

The Collections

Here are the collections in the Idle Talk Series



The series began with Gossip, which is still in progress.  It is about five friends who gossip all the time.

This is my current work in progress.


The next collection was Rumors, which I wrote while I was obtaining my master’s degree in 2014.  It is about rumors being spread about a pastor and a famous gospel singer.

You can purchase this book.



A story about a young man who has had a horrific accusation made against him by a woman who doesn’t want to admit the truth.

Coming Soon!


A story about a woman who spreads rumors about a Gospel singer that may or may not be true.

Coming Soon!
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A story about a woman who shared a secret with a “friend” and was betrayed.

Coming Soon!


A story of a man’s discovery of idle talk in his life and his journey for forgiveness and redemption.

Coming Soon!


A story about a young lady who is determine to tear down her former friends who pushed her out of their group.

Coming Soon!


A story about a young lady who finally tells the truth, and restoration begins between her and the people she hurt.

Coming Soon!
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The Idle Talk Series: Recent Books
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