My Writings
Past Writings
Essays written for my Master's Degree
"All good writing is swimming under water and holding your breath."
F. Scott Fitzgerald
"There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed."
Ernest Hemingway
Works You Can Purchase
This is your Project section closing paragraph. Invite your readers to take action, such as getting in touch to work on an upcoming project together.
"I'm writing a book. I've got the page numbers done."
Steven Wright
Projects In Progress
Projects I'm working on now.
These are projects I’m currently working on. They are in progress in some way, whether they need to be outlined, written, edited, published, etc.
Subtle Manipulations
In the editing stage.
Parkworth Pentecostal Church was once a flourishing ministry, on the forefront of Christian ministry. This is what leads cousins, Jasmine Woodside and DeAndre Woodside to join the church. But after years of service to the church, things begin to fall apart for Jasmine and DeAndre. The pastor loses sight of his mission as a man of God, and begins to manipulate his members, then people ultimately get hurt. After several active members and friends of the cousins leave the ministry, the church falls apart. Jasmine and DeAndre go through an ordeal involving spiritual manipulation. It is at this time that the cousins begin to pray about leaving Parkworth Pentecostal Church. Will they leave so that they can grow or will they stay and sink with the ship?
Current Work in Progress
Five friends get together to fellowship, but often ends up gossiping. Things are going fine until one of them becomes overwhelmed with conviction about gossiping. When she tries to stop gossiping, she meets resistance. The group will be divided into two groups, one that feels gossiping is wrong, and the one that feels “sharing” information is not wrong. Will the circle of friends remain in tact?